My work focuses on the our psychogeographical journey through our lives, the connection we have to the environment around us, both natural and built. I am fascinated how environment has a huge impact on the way we grow and develop, how its shapes our lives and in turn we shape the environment around us. Through exploration of the in between suburban spaces that are so familiar to all my practice aims to communicate these notions of memory and growth. I aim to produce creative, thought provoking images and in my photography. I actively engage with social and environmental issue, and use my work as a medium to raise awareness.
About me
I initially trained as a sculptural ceramicist based in London where I taught from a small studio in Stoke Newington and managed historic properties for English Heritage. However after relocating to the South West my creative attentions turned toward photography. Being mostly self taught I soon picked up a few awards including my Licentiate distinction with the Royal Photographic Society. I recently completed Masters in Photography with Falmouth University, the Final Major Project for this can be seen on this website.
2004 ‘Custodian Curated’ Kenwood House, London– Joint show
2006 ‘Form & Function: Sculptural ceramics’ Highgate Contemporary Arts, London – Joint show
2013 ‘Shoe Box: the art of folk tales’ Loop de Loo gallery, Frome – Solo show
2017 ‘Tattoo Studies’ Tattoo Blast convention, Civic centre, Trowbridge – Solo show
2018 ‘Architecture Under Through the Lens’ Museum of Bath Architecture, Bath – Joint Show
2020 ‘A better version of ourselves’ Institute of Photography, Falmouth University – MA student joint show.
2020/21 ‘Asia Photo Festival’ online exhibition for the international festival of photography
2022 'The Waters Edge' joint show Chepstow, Wales
2022 'The Independent Eye' Photo/Frome Festival - Station Gallery
Exhibition as Creative Producer/Curator
2004 ‘Custodian Curated’ Kenwood House, English Heritage, London
2017 ‘Architecture Under Through the Lens’ Museum of Bath Architecture, Bath
2018 ‘Architectural Photographer of the Year’ Museum of Bath Architecture, Bath
2018/19 ‘Peter Gabriel Reflections: Photography by Clive Arrowsmith’ Museum of Bath Architecture, Bath
2019 ‘Architectural Photographer of the Year’ Museum of Bath Architecture, Bath
FWCC: Digital Image Award 2015
FWCC: Photographer of the year 2015/16 2nd place
Photocrowd: ‘Contextual Portraits’ Expert Commended 2019
Royal Photographic Society: ‘Creative eye award’ Expert Commended 2019
Architectural Photographer of the Year 2019
Peter Gabriel Reflections
Architectural Photographer of the Year 2020
The Bath Magazine
The Right to this City
Organisations I've worked with:
Photoposcene Podcast